

歌手:阿弟仔 所属专辑:平衡 词:阿弟仔 曲:阿弟仔
歌词编辑:就要歌词网 发布时间:2020-01-12 本歌词有920个文字,大小约为4KB,预计阅读时间3分钟。


演唱 : 阿弟仔
开着车我怎么选择 守规则 或者 闯红灯
吐着舌滋润上下唇 早已经乱了 分寸
这气氛 我怎么选择 要提升 或者 要沉沦
太矛盾 因为太青春 太容易忘了 自责
黑色白色间隔 区分好的坏的 我踩在哪一格 我踩在哪一格
为什么不渐层 为什么不混合(混合)
对的错的是的非的 黑色白色灰了灰了 灰了
The devil is tempting me,
haunting me the angel is watching me eternally
I'm at the crossroads with the bible
now I need a role model, not a big apple
Where should I go What do you know
Give me the strength to fight my foes
The number on the wall is 6-6-6
and I used to be sick sick sick
Always wonder why he could fise
and shine dancing beyond the clouds in the sky
march on , march on ,
waste on time wake up,
my man check my rhymes
Then I realized what he sacrificed
word for word and truer than true
mess with me mess with my crew! keep it real.
I'll keep it real with you.
怎么开始 自由意识
怎么停止 自有意思
我要怎么平衡 取舍 
 A question won't be answered in the way you loke it answered
我要怎么平衡 取舍 
 Why this, why that, so many whys so
 Why don't you tell me where you at
where you at
Then it's war and I want it hot he's top,
so I'm firm klike a rock
anything you say will be used against
you cuz mistakes ain't sweet like orange juice
Tell me where ya from, where ya going
In the world we all just keep rolling and rolling the light's beaming,
so I'm screaming till they stop thinking that we are daydreaming
Always wonder why he could fise
and shine dancing beyond the clouds in the sky
march on , march on , waste on time
wake up, my man check my rhymes
Then I realized what he sacrificed word for
word and truer than true
mess with me mess with my crew! keep it real.
I'll keep it real with you
空气里的潮湿 不断的侵蚀 
进入我的脖子 进入我的脑子
能不能解释 到底是什么事 
让我想诚实 又让我无耻
为什么 一直 我就是如此
 如此掩饰 又想理智 又像白痴
是否有空摸索 一次 二次 三次
身体里的油脂 不断的繁殖
接着我的肌肉 也就开始松弛
能不能解释 到底是什么事 
让我想憔悴 又让我放肆
为什么 一直 我就是如此 
如此无知 又想坚持 又想排斥
是否有空摸索 一次 二次 三次


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